Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My baby doctor

Ugh, so we took Fodie to get shots today.  He was like this.  And I was also like this:

We were both very unhappy little giraffes.  

Anyway, it was cray.  First of all, a short and funny conversation I had:

Pediatrician:  If he gets congested, just put a couple of saline drops in his nostril.  But make sure to do only one nostril at a time.

Me:  So I don't accidentally waterboard him?


Pediatrician: ...Yup.

Totally accurate.  High five me!  

But then, Fodie got shots.  It was rill bad.  RILL BAD.  The medical assistants who did it were both really derpy.  Last time, the gal who did it was very very fast and efficient.  These girls must have been learning or something because they were slow.  And derpy.  And when they were giving him the Hep B shot... the syringe broke.  IN HIS LEG.  So they went to pull the shot away and there was still a needle sticking out of his leg.  Poor little screaming baby.  Ugh.  So they had to give him the shot AGAIN.  At that point, he was so worn out from crying, that they just gave him the shot while I held him, while he slept.  He stirred enough to let out a little cry but stayed asleep, more or less.  Poor fella.  Getting shots is tough tough stuff.  Blah.

Monday, October 22, 2012

"Oh, please don't go-- we'll eat you up-- we love you so!"

Yesterday we visited The Pumpkin Walk in Logan, UT.  There were some mighty impressive scenes concocted out of pumpkins and various gourdes, but as you can see, the character cut-outs were our favorite attraction.  

Aren't the character paintings super impressive?!  I just loved the Where The Wild Things Are ones.  So rad.

And seriously, my baby is the cutest baby in the universe.  I mean, just look at him as Harry Potter.  ACCIO BUBBLEGUM CHEEKS!  Om nom nom nom.

What a perfectly lovely Sunday.


Thursday, October 11, 2012


Caution: nudity ahead!  But OMG, its the cutest nakedness you'll ever see.  

These are a few pictures from Fodie's first shower.  I told Hippy that Fodie would become slippery, like a tiny fish, and slip out of his arms and die if he tried showering with him... but alas, I may have been slightly over reacting, like I do.  Fodie LOVED it.  I'm pretty sure Hippy/Daddy did too.  I sure love my boys.